The Farm Store

All items are currently for pick up only.

If you would like to arrange shipping please email the Endeavor Farm at

New Items

10th Anniversary Hat

Comfortable baseball hat commemorating 10 years!

Coolcore Quarter Zip

Endeavor long sleeve, quarter zip, UV protection!

Youth and Adult Long Sleeve Performance Shirt

Endeavor/CEO Stables “Together We Ride” Light Blue long sleeve shirt.

Classic Items

Endeavor Car Decals

Not a magnet, but a decal. No more worrying at the car wash.

Embossed Picnic Blanket

Our soft fleece water resistant picnic blanket with embossed logo folds up and has a handle to easily carry anywhere.

Endeavor Tees

Endeavor tee shirts in youth and adult sizes. Green, Blue, Grey.

Endeavor Items to Benefit the Charlie Rose Memorial Scholarship Fund

Hand made horse shoes

Georgette Fusco Endeavor volunteer has been making one of a kind horseshoes to help support the Charlie Rose Foundation. Each horse shoe is meticulously made to perfection.

Hand Painted Stones

Beautifully designed by Endeavor volunteer Georgette Fusco, these one of a kind hand painted stones are the perfect gift, paperweight, keepsake. All proceeds directly support the Charlie Rose Scholarship Fund.